Skeleton Parade
The skeletons are out tonight,
They march about the street
With bony bodies, bony heads
And bony hands and feet.
Bony bony bony bones
With nothing in between,
Up and down and all around
They march on Halloween.
這首詩出自Jack Prelutsky,他是當今美國兒童詩創作
的巨擘,享有美國童詩桂冠 (U.S. Children's Poet
Laureate) 的稱號。創作的詩集超過 50 本,其中特別
為孩子編選的合輯 Read Aloud-Rhymes for the Very
Young、 The Random House Book of Poetry for
Children 是欣賞英美童詩的最佳入門書。
這裡所選錄的“Skeleton Parade”出自 Jack Prelutsky
為四大節慶 (萬聖節、耶誕節、感恩節、情人節) 所創
作的四本合輯之一:It's Halloween。另外三本合輯分
別是 It's Christmas、It's Thanksgiving、
It's Valentine's Day 。
HarperChildren’s Audio 將四本節慶詩集合錄成一張CD
“Jack Prelutsky Holiday Audio Collection”
,更令人驚喜的是由作者本人 Jack Prelutsky 親自為
兒童朗讀。全部 54 首短詩充滿童稚的純真與可愛,
另外,摘錄一段有關 Halloween 的 Cloze 供老師參
考。這份資料來自知名的教材網站 Enchanted
最後,幾幅 Halloween 的可愛圖畫,讓孩子感受萬
Word Bank:
Halloween |
ghost |
treating |
webs |
October |
Halloween is a ________ celebrated on the last night of
________, the ________. On _________, many people
dress up in _________ and go trick or _________.
Children ________ up in costumes and go from house to
house around their ___________ collecting ________.
Some people dress up in scary costumes (such as a
_______), some people dress up in magical costumes
(such as a _______), some people dress up in pretty
costumes (such as a _______), and some dress up as an
________ (such as a bunny).
On Halloween, some people like to _______ a
jack-o'-lantern. A ___________________ is a pumpkin
that has been hollowed out and then carved into a scary
face; a small candle is then placed _______ the pumpkin.
Another Halloween activity is visiting a _________ house,
a place that has been ________ in a spooky way, with
pretend ghosts, monsters, spider _______, mummies,
vampires, _______ cats, and other scary things.
Haunted House
Trick or treat
Witch on broomstick