看幽默漫畫學英文(二): Snoopy
Lucy 與 Linus 這對姐弟是 Peanuts 系列漫畫的靈魂人物。
來欣賞四月份日曆上的連環趣味。看看 Lucy 這位
帶著霸氣又鬼靈精怪的姐姐如何以 Linus 做研究對象
Lucy: We’re going to have a science fair at school… I’d
sure like to win a ribbon.
Lucy: I’ve got to come up with some kind of project
that will be so original and so different that
I’ll be certain to win.
Lucy: All the other kids will have rocks and bugs
and batteries and mice and seeds and all of that
stuff… I’ve got to think of something
completely different.
Lucy: That's it !
聰明的 Lucy 知道要贏必須想出 (come up with) 有原創性
(original) 的提案。有原創性 (original) 的提案意味著要
拖著一條藍毯子的 Linus 給了 Lucy 研究靈感。
Linus: I'm going to be WHAT?
Lucy: You're going to be my science project.
Lucy: I'm going to enter you in our school science fair.
Lucy: I’m going to make a series of tests with you and
that stupid blanket to see why it brings you
Linus: Suddenly I feel very insecure !
security 對上insecure,Linus的表情真是令人莞爾。
Linus: You took my blanket away!
Lucy: Of course. This is the first test. I'm going to record
your reactions.
Lucy: Ten seconds… indication of fear… thirty seconds…
symptoms of panic…
Lucy: Forty-two seconds… subject began to perspire…
eyes appear glazed… fifty seconds
Lucy: … subject passed out !
實驗開始。失去藍毯子的 Linus,先出現害怕徵兆,接著是
恐慌的症狀…。從indication of fear → symptoms of
panic → perspire → eyes appear glazed → passed out,
徐徐如生。搭配上作者查爾斯·舒茲 (Charles M. Schulz)
Lucy: Blanket taken from subject… subject loses
consciousness due to loss of security…
Lucy: Blanket restored to subject…
Lucy: Subject recovers !
Lucy: What a science project !
實驗繼續後半段,重獲藍毯子的 Linus,逐漸甦醒。看看
一臉得意的 Lucy 對照一臉惶恐的 Linus,真令人捧腹大笑。
loses consciousness、due to、loss of security、
restore to、recover。
Lucy 終於得了首獎
Charlie Brown: You know, Lucy. You really puzzle me.
Charlie Brown: What sort of person are you who would
enter her own brother in a science fair?
Lucy: I won, didn’t I?
Charlie Brown: That’s always been a problem with me…
I’ve never known how to argue with
然而,憨厚坦率的故事主角查理·布朗 (Charlie Brown),